Richmond Heights road rage incident--update

The cyclist who was involved in the recent road rage incident in Richmond Heights reports that the municipal prosecutor in Richmond Heights has issued warrants on all four charges for which the police officer investigating the case had applied. The four charges are theft, assault, disorderly conduct, and driving with a suspended license.

Richmond Heights police and prosecutor must be commended for treating this incident with the seriousness it deserves.

One reason road rage against cyclists proliferates to the extent it does is that perpetrators feel that they will feel no consequences for their behavior. When police and prosecutors treat the incidents with the seriousness they deserve, it is a very important step in solving this problem.

Other police and prosecutors around Missouri need to follow the lead of Richmond Heights in treating road rage incidents against bicyclists seriously. Such incidents are a serious threat to the public safety and a serious impediment to increased cycling among many who would like to bicycle more for transportation or recreation, but are intimidated by that very, very small percentage of motorists who are hostile and abusive.

Safe and courteous motorists in Missouri outnumber these hostile motorists by many thousands to one. Strong action taken against these few helps ensure that a few bad apples don't spoil the whole barrel.

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