Lee's Summit, MO, moves up to SILVER level in national Walk Friendly Communities program | Walk Friendly Communities

Headlines are quick hits from media outlets from Missouri and around the world. Follow the headline link for the full story. The source of this headline says:

Lee’s Summit is designated as a Silver-level community due to its extensive trail system, close coordination across city departments, roadway audits, and commitment to creating accessible facilities. Community highlights include:

A Road Safety Audit Program that systematically reviews all roadways, with priority based on street classification. As of 2014, all arterial streets have been audited and a majority of non-arterial streets and intersections have been reviewed. These audits will be repeated on a five to seven year cycle. The city’s Transportation Annual Report contains more information.
A complete sidewalk and curb ramp inventory that is supported by a new ADA transition plan.
Lee’s Summit has nearly 15 miles of multi-use trails with another 10 miles of interior park trails. This includes loop trails around four of Lee’s Summit’s lakes.
The police department and city traffic engineers coordinate on strategic safety plans, development review, temporary traffic control conditions, special event evaluations, and customer service issues. They also lead the Crash Analysis Program, which provides a detailed review for high-crash locations on a three-year cycle.
The pedestrian infrastructure in Lee’s Summit provides a safer walking environment. All of Lee’s Summit’s intersections have pedestrian countdown signals and crosswalk striping is repainted annually to maintain visibility.

MoBikeFed comment: Lee's Summit just moved up to Silver level in the national Walk Friendly Communities program. Lee's Summit is the only officially designated Walk Friendly Community in Missouri *and* the only community in Missouri to hold both Walk Friendly and Bicycle Friendly status.


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