Support Complete Streets

We need supporters of Complete Streets in Missouri like you!

You can add yourself, your business, your organization, or your club to the list of Complete Streets supporters in Missouri. We will use this list when working for Complete Streets policies at the local, metro, and statewide levels in Missouri--to show the overwhelming support Complete Streets has in Missouri. We want to have 5000 people like you this petition in time for the 2010 legislative session.

See the full list of supporters here.

Join MoBikeFed's Advocacy Network

MoBikeFed is a statewide group of people like you, working together for better bicycling, walking, and trails in Missouri. When you join our advocacy network you receive occasional important advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian, and trails news from around Missouri.

Working together we make a real difference! Join our advocacy network:

Want better bicycling and walking in Missouri?
We rely on the support of members like you.  Please join, renew, or donate today.