Columbia school sponsors fitness activities

In a model that other schools around the state would do well to emulate, a Columbia, MO, elementary school engages its students in regular fitness activities, according to a Columbia, Missourian, article:
Walks from the Activity and Recreation Center are part of Russell’s program to promote physical fitness and community-building.

“I think it’s cool, because it gets people exercising,” said 11-year-old Justice Boyes.

Principal Ed Schumacher said he has received favorable feedback from students and parents, who are invited to join their children on the walks from the ARC to school.

“It’s been very positive,” Schumacher said. “It’s worth doing every month.”

At the request of parents and community advocates for physical fitness, Russell is involved in other activities to boost fitness and a sense of togetherness.

In the last year, the school has sponsored a bike ride, a dance and a night dedicated to jumping rope, among other events. Schumacher said holding a variety of activities offers children and parents a choice of how to spend their time.

“It’s a chance to come in and do something for about an hour that involves family,” he said.

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