Missouri Department of Conservation greatly expands allowed use of bicycles and electric bicycles in hundreds of Missouri Conservation Areas

Earlier this year, the Missouri Department of Conservation proposed greatly increased bicycle access to hundreds of Conservation Areas across Missouri.  Immediately bicyclists and groups across Missouri proposed increasing access for electric bicycles as well. MoBikeFed organized a write-in campaign to MDC, and within a few weeks MDC withdrew the proposed regulation for reconsideration. 

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ALERT: Deadline for submitting your public comment on MoDOT's multi-billion dollar Unfunded Needs list is today (Dec 22nd) - How to submit an effective comment in 5 minutes or less

MoDOT has just released a massive list of proposed projects and needed projects - many or most of which will be funded by the recent federal infrastructure bill and other newly available funding. The purpose of the prioritized list of projects was to get ahead of the proposed federal funding so that Missouri would have a good idea of how this funding - and any future funding that may be received - will be spent.

MoDOT is asking for public comment on their project list - a list that includes many roads, highways, and bridges and also a large number of pedestrian, bicycle, trail, transit, rail, airport, and other projects.

Deadline for public comment is TODAY, December 22nd.

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A decades-long vision become reality: Governor Parson announces acceptance of the Rock Island Trail State Park

It's been exactly 2 years since Missouri State Parks & Ameren met in Eldon, Missouri, and signed an agreement to work towards donating the next 144 miles of the Rock Island corridor to Missouri State Parks - if certain conditions were met within 2 years.  

Today, Ameren, Missouri DNR, State Parks, Department of Economic Development, and Governor Parson invited Missouri trail supporters to Rock Island Park in Eldon for an announcement.

And they delivered!

Ameren and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources signed the final agreement transferring the 144 miles of Rock Island corridor between Windsor and Beaufort, Missouri, to Missouri State Parks to become Rock Island Trail State Park.

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ALERT: MoDOT asking for public comment on hundreds of proposed projects - comment deadline Dec 22nd - How you can help in 5 minutes

MoDOT has just released a massive list of proposed projects and needed projects - many or most of which will be funded by the recent federal infrastructure bill and other newly available funding. The purpose of the prioritized list of projects was to get ahead of the proposed federal funding so that Missouri would have a good idea of how this funding - and any future funding that may be received - will be spent.

MoDOT is asking for public comment on their project list - a list that includes many roads, highways, and bridges and also a large number of pedestrian, bicycle, trail, transit, rail, airport, and other projects.

Deadline for public comment is December 22nd.

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MoBikeFed is a statewide group of people like you, working together for better bicycling, walking, and trails in Missouri. When you join our advocacy network you receive occasional important advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian, and trails news from around Missouri.

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