Missouri Bicycle Maps and Routes
Missouri Routes and Bike Maps
This page lists mostly on-road bicycle routes and maps. Related resources:
- Missouri Bicycle & Touring Routes page for cross-state, touring, regional, connector, and local bicycle routes created by MoBikeFed and our partners across Missouri, including immediate download of GPS files for these routes.
- Missouri Trails Page for off-road trails, rail-trails, and single-track mountain bike trails.
- Missouri Gravel Grinder and Bikepacking page for gravel grinder and bikepacking routes featuring Missouri's amazing system of gravel roads.
- Resources for planning Missouri bicycle and trails trips and routes for more information about bicycle and trails route and trip planning.
On this page:
Statewide bicycle routes and trails indexes, listings, guides
- Missouri Biking Trails Guide from Missouri Life Magazine - a comprehensive guide to Missouri bicycling trails, bicycle touring routes, and trail destinations around the state
- VisitMissouriTrails.com - A new guide with the ambitious goal--still in progress--to create comprehensive list, guide, and map to every trail in Missouri, from multi-use trails to mountain biking trails, single-track trails, hiking trails, equestrian trails, motorcycle trails, ATV trails, and on-road bicycle touring routes like USBR 66 and USBR 76. This amazing resource compiles trail information from dozens of agencies and organizations and lists every trail in Missouri along with directions, trailheads, information about allowed trail uses, and trail maps.
Statewide Bicycling Maps
Missouri does not yet have a state bicycle map. However, by combining the four information sources below (proposed statewide bicycle routes, draft bicycle map, statewide traffic volume maps, statewide shoulder maps) enough information can be put together to make route planning reasonable in rural areas of the state. Click here for more details about viewing/printing/using the maps.
Please note that these maps are presented for information only and there is no guarantee as to the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of the information presented. Bicyclists assume the responsibility for their own safety when riding.
- PROPOSED BICYCLE ROUTES: Proposed Missouri Cross-state Bicycle Route Map (info about the map & alternate versions)--a printable map showing proposed cross-state bicycle routes and connections between all population centers in Missouri. These routes were never officially approved but the map is still a useful resource.
- MoDOT STATEWIDE BICYCLE MAP: This set of MoDOT bicycle maps integrate shoulder information, traffic counts, and other useful information into one map.
MoDOT Statewide Bicycle Maps
UPDATE! These are older statewide bicycle maps dating from about 2006. Visit MoDOT's website for the newly updated maps dated 2013/2014.
(PDF files, each approx. 2 meg)District 1 (St. Joseph, North KC) District 2 (Chillicothe, Kirksville) District 3 (Hannibal, Mexido) District 4 (Kansas City) District 5 (Jefferson City, Columbia) District 6 (St. Louis) District 7 (Joplin, Nevada) District 8 (Springfield, Branson) District 9 (Rolla, West Plains) District 10 (Farmington, Cape Girardeau)
Note that MoDOT Bike/Ped web site provides the Statewide Bicycle Map pdfs, and MoDOT's versions may be updated more often than ours linked above.
MoDOT's Bike/Ped web site also has a map of Missouri bicycle routes and trails and other useful resources and maps.
- COUNTY MAPS: MoDOT maintains a page with county maps for each of Missouri's 114 counties. These maps are often the most detailed easily available maps of local areas across Missouri. Note: Some county maps differentiate between paved and unpaved county roads, but some do not. So, unfortunately, you cannot rely on the maps to differentiate between paved & unpaved roads.
- TRAFFIC COUNTS: MoDOT's new online traffic count map--showing the entire state--is one of the most useful tools available for planning bicycle tours and trips in Missouri. The online map shows:
- Traffic volume and counts on all MoDOT roads and some local roads
- All roads shown on county road maps for every county in Missouri.
- Local/city-level roads
It is zoomable, like an online Google Map, and shows the entire state. Altogether, this is the best way to find out whether a given road really exists or not AND how many people drive on it daily.
Archived traffic volume maps for every county in Missouri (PDF formate) are also available on the MoDOT traffic volume page. These historical traffic count maps are useful for some planning purposes.
These shoulder maps show all state roads but show shoulder information only for state routes that are proposed bicycle routes. Other state routes are shown on the map, they are there for information only--presence or absence of shoulders is not indicated for these routes.
Please note that the shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only and there is absolutely no guarantee as to the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of the information presented. The shoulder map is based on relatively new and untested data and should be considered quite unreliable. In addition, shoulders, even if they exist, may not be in good condition or rideable. On roads which are indicated as having shoulders, shoulders may not be continuous or, due to unreliability of the underlying data, may not even be present. And even on the best-maintained highways in Missouri, shoulders often disappear at overpasses, underpasses, bridges, viaducts, and at other crucial points.
Shoulders on Proposed Missouri Bicycle Routes
The shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only--please take note!
This data is known to have inaccuracies and the purpose of posting it here to receive comment and feedback from citizens around the state so as to improve the quality of the data. The bicycle routes are proposed, not finalized, and are presented for feedback and public comment.Before using the maps, please carefully read the Map Explanation and Legend. These are DRAFT maps and the Explanation and Legend helps explain how they work.
(PDF files, each approx. 2500K in size)
District 1 (St. Joseph, North KC)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 2 (Chillicothe, Kirksville)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 3 (Hannibal, Mexico)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 4 (Kansas City)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 5 (Jefferson City, Columbia)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 6 (St. Louis)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 7 (Joplin, Nevada)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 8 (Springfield, Branson)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 9 (Rolla, West Plains)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!District 10 (Farmington, Cape Girardeau)
Map Legend and Explanation
Shoulder maps are presented for comment and feedback only!
State-wide Routes and On-Road Trails
Missouri has no less than six major national bicycle routes that pass through the state--among the highest number of such routes of any state. Whether you're riding from coast to cost, state line to state line, or just looking for a great route a little out of your normal range, Missouri's national bicycle routes have a lot to offer:
- Way of American Genius - Highway 36 Bicycle Route across northern Missouri through St. Joseph, Chillicothe, Macon, and Hannibal with a northern spur to Kirksville. 219 miles, mostly on low-traffic state and county roads.
- U.S. Bicycle Route 51 (USBR 51)
- USBR 51 is a major new cross-country on-road bicycle touring route from New Orleans to Minnesota. The route through Missouri is currently under development and already partly usable.
- Current USBR 51 draft route - not final yet, but being refined month by month
- Much earlier USBR 51 draft routes (First early draft, second earlly draft)
- USBR 51 is a major new cross-country on-road bicycle touring route from New Orleans to Minnesota. The route through Missouri is currently under development and already partly usable.
- Butterfield Stage Experience Bicycle Route
- The Butterfield Stage Experience is a mostly gravel cross-state route that connects Jefferson City to Fort Smith Arkansas.
- Butterfield Stage Experience Route, Springfield-Jefferson City bicycle maps - These routes are ready to ride!
- Butterfield Stage Missouri history sites map - note that this map identifies the historic route and numerous historical locations but is NOT necessarily a recommended/designed bicycle route; our planned Butterfield Stage Off-Road Experience Route will hit most of the historical highlights along the historic Butterfield Stage Route while also being an amazing gravel/bikepacking route across a major part of Missouri
- Butterfield Stage Experience Route, Springfield-Jefferson City bicycle maps - These routes are ready to ride!
- See MoBikeFed News articles related to the development of USBR 51
- The Butterfield Stage Experience is a mostly gravel cross-state route that connects Jefferson City to Fort Smith Arkansas.
- Bicycle Route 66 (USBR 66) - this frequently-used bicycle route through Missouri parallels I-44 but you can ride the entire route without putting your tire on an interstate freeway even once and riders who have experienced the entire route rate it highly. The route is now part of Adventure Cycling Association's Bicycle Route 66, stretching from Chicago to the west coast.
- Adventure Cycling Association's Bicycle Route 66 map & resources
- Bicycling Guide to Route 66, a guidebook by Bob Robinson
- Additional Missouri-specific resources for Bicycle Route 66:
- RideWithGPS downloadable GPS maps of the USBR 66 route through Missouri.
- Google map of a bicycle route along Route 66 through Missouri (route details courtesy Hostelling International)
- Route 66 Association of Missouri
- Route 66 University maps of Route 66 through Missouri
- Route 66 Corridor Management Plan for Missouri, including detailed maps of various historical routes
- The St. Louis region's Gateway Bike Plan includes route suggestions for the Route 66 Bicycle Route through the St. Louis region. See this map of the proposed bicycle route for Route 66 through the St. Louis region.
- Adventure Cycling's Great Rivers South Bicycle Route through Missouri:
- On the Adventure Cycling web site - Adventure Cycling also sells very excellent, detailed maps designed for people who are bicycle touring
- The route through Missouri on Google maps
- Check out the NEW KGTG Loop - a 555 mile loop route combining the eastern end of the Katy Trail State Park, the Great Rivers South route through southern Missouri and Illinois, Tunnel Hill Trail State Park (Illinois), and the Goshen and Confluence Trails in Madison County IL.
- The Mississippi River Trail (MRT) is an on-road route paralleling the Mississippi River through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi. MoDOT has created these maps of the portion of the MRT that passes through Missouri:Info, details, and commentary about the Mississippi River Trail in Missouri from Tower Rock Winery, located on the trail.
- Adventure Cycling's TransAmerica Bicycle Route (USBR 76) through Missouri--the grandparent of them all:
- On the Adventure Cycling web site - Adventure Cycling also sells very excellent, detailed maps designed for people who are bicycle touring
- The route through Missouri on Google maps
- The TransAmerica Route through Missouri was officially designated and signed by MoDOT in 2013 as U.S. Bicycle Route 76 (USBR 76)
- Lewis and Clark Bicycle Routes
- Adventure Cycling's Lewis & Clark Trail through Missouri (paralleling the Missouri River) - Adventure Cycling also sells very excellent, detailed maps designed for people who are bicycle touring
- Google map of the Lewis & Clark Bicycle Route through Missouri
- A proposed alternative Lewis & Clark Bicycle Route through western Missouri that follows the river much closer than the Adventure Cycling route, visits several historic L&C sites, and gives many scenic views of the Missouri River and Missouri River Valley in western Missouri. This proposed route was developed by the mapping subcommittee of MoDOT's Bike/Ped Advisory Committee and is now being proposed by MoBikeFed for inclusion into the official Adventure Cycling Route:
- Alternate L&C through western MO, overview PDFs:
- Alternate L&C through western MO, detailed Online Maps:
- A travelogue and comments about part of the proposed Lewis & Clark route through western Missouri
- Additional Lewis & Clark Trail resources
- The American Discovery Trail--a network of on- and off-road routes stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. The route through Missouri goes from St. Louis to Kansas City and uses the Katy Trail & Rock Island Trail to cover much of the distance.
- The Race Across America (RAAM) 2010 through southern Missouri (Weaubleau-Nevada-Camdenton-Jefferson City-Washington-Alton)
- Info about the Katy Trail, Quad States Trail, and other off-road/trail routes across Missouri is on our Missouri Bicycle Trails page.
City/Metro/Area/Region Bicycle Route & Map Information from Around Missouri
Cape Girardeau
Jefferson City
- VisitJeffersonCity has a comprehensive list of information needed if you're planning visiting the area with your bicycle, including an amazing collection of suggested bicycle tours, routes, and loops of every distance--short, medium, and long.
Kansas City
- An online map of the Kansas City region's bicycle facilities is now available from the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC). The map shows existing bike lanes, marked bike routes, and trails. The map can be viewed online or as a mobile app. A print version is available as well. Print and PDF versions are available as well.
- KCMO's BikeKC page has information about current and planned on-street and trail routes, including the BikeKC map (showing existing & planned routes) and the TrailsKC Plan.
- Kansas City-area bicycle map showing easy and intermediate routes for most of Jackson County
- Maps of trails and on-road bicycle facilities and routes in Johnson County (Kansas side of the KC metro area)
- Maps and information about the Kansas City metro-area MetroGreen Trails--existing and planned multi-use trails throughout the metro area
- Evaluation of bike/ped accommodation on Missouri River bridges in the Kansas City-area
- Platte County
- Kansas City area traffic count maps. These are very useful for planning bicycle routes:
- Kansas-side 2011 traffic counts (arterials, highways and interstates)
- Missouri-side traffic counts for the Metro Area (2011) and for the entire state
St. Joseph
- St. Joseph-area routes, trails, and bike maps--an excellent site with many detailed routes.
- Springfield City's Bicycle Routes
- Ozark Greenways maintains a list of Springfield area bicycle routes, bus routes, and trails.
- Five recommended bicycle tours in the Springfield area (Ozark Greenways)
St. Louis
- St Louis City's on-street bicycle route plan, Bike St. Louis, has been through four phases since 2004, each adding more routes and markings to the system. Great Rivers Greenway District hosts a comprehensive map of routes in St. Louis City.
- The regional Gateway Bike Plan includes maps showing existing and planned on-road and off-road bicycle routes. When viewing the maps, understand that many of the routes are planned and not yet installed.
- Great Rivers Greenway's map page shows trail and greenway connections throughout the greater St. Louis region.
- Bike/ped accommodation on St. Louis area river bridges--a complete rundown
Other nearby states
Details about viewing/printing/using statewide maps
Printing the PDF files can be problematic because they cover a lot of area and have a lot of small detail. If printing to 8.5x11 sheets, experiment with selecting or de-selecting the "fit to page" option in the print dialog box. The District Maps available as PDF files are usually quite legible when printed on a large-format printer as 11x17 pages. Some maps are available in "tiled" versions--large maps are pre-split into two or more pieces designed to fit on an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper. Another option is use a screen capture program to capture and print areas of interest from within the PDF files.
To view and print the PDF files you will need the (free) Adobe Acrobat Reader, available here.
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- about
- adventure cycling
- america
- arkansas
- bicycle
- bicycle facilities
- bicycle map
- bicycle trails
- bicyclemap
- bicycling
- bicyclists
- biking
- branson
- bridge
- butterfield stage experience
- chillicothe
- city
- columbia
- cost
- cycling
- data
- district 4
- document
- explanation
- farmington
- form
- Great Rivers Greenway District
- greenway
- hannibal
- hermann
- illinois
- interstate freeway
- iowa
- jefferson city
- joplin
- kansas
- kansas city
- katy trail
- kentucky
- kirksville
- lewis & clark
- links
- maps
- metrogreen
- misc
- mississippi river
- mississippi river trail
- missouri
- missouri bicycle federation
- missouri river
- missouri river bridge
- modot
- mountain
- mountain bike
- ozark greenways
- parks
- plan
- planning
- points
- race
- resource
- ride
- rides
- riding
- roads
- rolla
- route 66
- routes
- rural
- safety
- shoulders
- springfield
- tennessee
- touring
- traffic
- trail
- trails
- transamerica
- usbr 45
- usbr 50
- usbr 51
- usbr 66
- usbr 76
- vision
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Related pages
Current topics...
- Home
- News/Info
- Missouri Bicycling, Running, Trails
- Bicycle Skills and Safety
- Missouri Bike/Ped Law
- Clubs and Organizations
- Bike Shops
- Running Shops
- Bicycling, Running, Trails-related Businesses
- Ride, Run, Walk, Hike, Triathlon, and Events Calendars
- Bicycles on Amtrak
- Maps and Routes
- Trails and Trail Maps
- IBikeMO.org
- Planning a Missouri bicycle trip
- Gravel and Bikepacking Maps & Routes
- Bicycle & Touring Routes
- Advocacy
- Campaigns
- Our Legislative Platform
- Complete Streets
- Statewide Rock Island Trail
- Statewide Trail Vision - Quad State Trail
- Bicycle Friendly Missouri
- Walk Friendly Missouri
- Safe Routes to School
- MoDOT funding crisis
- High Priority Bike/Ped Project List
- Anti-harassment laws in cities & statewide
- Updating the basic bicycle law
- Our Vision for MoDOT
- Our Vision for MPOs/RPCs
- Our Vision for Cities & Counties
- Bicycle, pedestrian, trails plans across MO
- Protecting Vulnerable Road Users
- Vision Zero
- Missouri Trail Towns
- Store
- About