Missouri Bicycle Trails and Trail Maps
Missouri Bicycle Trails
This page lists trails that are mostly off-road, both multi-use trails (relatively wide and sometimes paved) and single-track mountain bike trails (narrow and unpaved).
Related pages
This is one of a series of pages on MoBikeFed.org designed to help find routes, roads, trails, and places to bicycle in Missouri:
- Missouri Maps and Routes page for on-road, paved bicycle routes.
- Missouri Trails Page for off-road trails, rail-trails, and single-track mountain bike trails.
- Missouri Gravel Grinder and Bikepacking page for gravel grinder and bikepacking routes featuring Missouri's amazing system of gravel roads.
- Missouri Bicycle and Touring Routes page for ready-made, downloadable bicycle touring routes and route systems across the state
- Resources for planning Missouri bicycle and trails trips and routes for more information about bicycle and trails route and trip planning.

On this page:
- Missouri Biking Trails Guide from Missouri Life Magazine - a comprehensive guide to Missouri bicycling trails, bicycle touring routes, and trail destinations around the state
- VisitMissouriTrails.com - A new guide with the ambitious goal--still in progress--to create comprehensive list, guide, and map to every trail in Missouri, from multi-use trails to mountain biking trails, single-track trails, hiking trails, equestrian trails, motorcycle trails, and ATV trails. This amazing resource compiles trail information from dozens of agencies and organizations and lists every trail in Missouri along with directions, trailheads, information about allowed trail uses, and trail maps.
VisitMissouriTrails.com - the new, comprehensive Missouri trails website - List of trails in Missouri State Parks
- A complete list of bicycle trails and multi-use paths in Missouri (Rail-trails, greenways, and the like).
- Taking bicycles on Amtrak in Missouri - Amtrak allows bicycles on its routes through Missouri, creating the opportunity for a number of bicycle/train trips, especially along the Katy Trail and Rock Island Trail corridors
- The Quad States Trail plan--a plan to develop a comprehensive trails system in four states (actually five now), centered on Missouri.Quad States Trail map
- Searchable list of mountain biking trails in state conservation areas - located throughout the state, from the Missouri Department of Conservation
- Urban Trail Co.'s list of Missouri and Kansas hiking/mountain biking trails
- Bicycle trails (mostly mountain biking trails) in Missouri State Parks
- Missouri Mountain Bike Trails listed and reviewed by users at MTBReview.com.
- Missouri Mountain Biking Trails listed and reviewed by users at DirtWorld.com
- American Trails list of Missouri Trails , trail organizations, and resources
- Resources to help with developing rail trails, Rails with Trails, greenway trails, etc.
Statewide trails
Katy Trail
The Katy Trail 240 mile rail-trail across Missouri. It is still the longest rail-trail in the U.S. and one of the longest continuous multi-use trails in the U.S. and the world. The Katy has over 400,000 visits annually from all 50 states and numerous foreign countries.
The Katy Trail now combines seamlessly with sections of the new Rock Island Trail to make a continous statewide trail corridor over 300 miles in length. It connects with a number of local trails along with way for a total connected system mileage of about 369 miles as of 2019.
- Katy Trail State Park official web page
- BikeKatyTrail.com is a site with all manner of information about the Katy Trail, destinations, accommodations, and travel information. It has an active discussion area. Highly recommended!
- Katy Trail-Rock Island Trail online map
- Katy Trail Story Map - info about history and geologic sites all along the trail (also available in the Flyover Country phone app, with offline access)
- Getting from Kirkwood Amtrak Station (St. Louis area) to the Katy Trail
- How to get from downtown St. Louis to the Katy Trail
- How to get to/from the western end of Rock Island/Katy Trail system (Kansas City area, Lee's Summit, etc):
- MoBikeFed has mapped several important bicycle routes to connect with the western end of the Katy/Rock Island Trail, including online maps and downloadable GPS files for these routes:Katy Trail
- Bicycle the Greenwood Gap between the Jackson County Rock Island Trail and the Missouri State Parks Rock Island/Katy Trail system
- Connect from the Lee's Summit Amtrak Station to the Rock Island Trail
- These routes and more on the New Rock Island/Katy Trail Connections page
- Bicycle the Greenwood Gap between the Jackson County Rock Island Trail and the Missouri State Parks Rock Island/Katy Trail system
- For ideas about getting from anywhere in the KC Metro area to the starting point of these maps, look at the Kansas City, MO Bicycle Map (PDF), the Kansas City metro area bicycle map, or use Google Bicycle Maps.
- Amtrak will take you and your bike to several points on the Katy Trail, and shuttle services are available all along the trail. Several Missouri cities now have good, safe access from their Amtrak stations to the Katy Trail - Sedalia, Jefferson City, Hermann, and Washington. Routes from the Lee's Summit Amtrak Station to the Rock Island Trail here. Read about taking your bike on Amtrak.
- If taking Amtrak to start at near the western end of the Katy Trail, it is recommended to disembark at one of these Amtrak stations:
- Sedalia - on the Katy Trail
- Lee's Summit - Routes from the Lee's Summit Amtrak Station to the Rock Island Trail here.
- Warrensburg - a fairly good, though circituous route is possible from Warrensburg to Clinton or (better) Windsor. See the Draft Missouri Bicycle Maps, specifically the KC District map, for ideas.
- Kansas City/Union Station or Independence - disembarking at Union Station or Independence and bicycling to the Katy Trail is not recommended unless you enjoy urban cycling on roads with few or no bicycle routes marked, and you are are already familiar with the area or willing to work out and follow detailed routes. You can find maps and resources for bicycling in the Kansas City area here.
Rock Island Trail
The Rock Island Trail across Missouri is now under development and significant sections are open.
The Rock Island will combine with the Katy Trail and other connector trails to make a statewide trail loop system over 500 miles in length.
As of Spring 2019, the 47-mile Rock Island Spur between Windsor and Pleasant Hill is open. Another 6 mile section in Jackson County near Lee's Summit is opening Spring 2019. Learn how to bicycle between those two Rock Island Trail sections or access them via Amtrak here.
Work to railbank an additional 144 miles of the railroad right-of-way nearly to Washington, MO, is underway.
More info about the Rock Island Trail:
- MoBikeFed's Rock Island Trail information and updates page
- Bicycle connections to the western end of the Rock Island Trail - maps and GPS tracks from MoBikeFed
- Rock Island corridor information from Missouri State Parks
- MoBikeFed News articles about the Rock Island Trail development
- Google map showing the Katy Trail & Rock Island Trail together
- Missouri Rock Island Trail, Inc. - the non profit coalition of citizens and communities dedicated to preserving the Rock Island Corridor and building a hiking and biking trail along it.
Ozark Trail
The Ozark Trail is a single-track trail system covering 392 miles across Missouri. Future plans include link-up with the Ozark Highlands Trail in Arkansas and total system mileage well over 700 miles.
All of the Ozark Trail is open for hiking. Significant portions are open for mountain biking as well--including one of the most popular mountain bike trails in Missouri, the Berryman Trail in the Mark Twain National Forest. Some portions are open to equestrian use.
OTA Trail Sections pages indicated allowed uses for each segment of the Ozark Trail.
The Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation has been working for years with our allies in the mountain biking world to create an Ozark Trail Mountain Bike System, using mountain bikeable sections of the Ozark Trail where available, gravel roads and other parallel routes as alternatives where trails are closed to mountain biking, and working to open new mountain biking routes in a few remaining key areas needed to complete the system.
The Ozark Trail Mountain Bike System is potentially over 280 total miles in length.
- The Ozark Trail Association plans, builds, maintains, and supports the Ozark Trail route across Missouri.
- The OTA's maps page includes up-to-date detailed trail maps of the overall system and each trail segment
- The planned 280-mile Ozark Trail Mountain Bike System map. Nearly all of the mountain bike route is usable as-is.
- More details about the proposed Ozark Trail Mountain Bike System plan here
American Discovery Trail
- The American Discovery Trail--a network of on- and off-road routes stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. The route through Missouri goes from St. Louis to Kansas City and uses the Katy Trail to cover much of the distance.
Other Statewide Trails
- Statewide bicycle trails and routes that consist mostly of on-road bicycle routes, such as the TransAmerica Trail (USBR 76), Bicycle Route 66 (USBR 66), USBR 51, the Way of American Genius Bicycle Route, the Lewis & Clark Bicycle Route, and more are found on the Statewide Routes and On-Road Trails section of our Missouri Bicycle Maps and Routes page.
- Statewide gravel road riding routes, such as the planned Butterfield Stage Experience route across Missouri, are found on our Missouri Gravel Grinding and Bikepacking Bicyle Routes and Maps page.
Kansas City area
- The Mid-America Regional Council has a map with the best overview of KC regional bicycle trails and on-street bicycle routes
- Urban Trail Co.'s comprehensive list of Missouri and Kansas mountain biking and hiking trails and the EarthRiders Mountain Bike Club list of are trails
- Maps and information about the Kansas City metro-area MetroGreen Trails--existing and planned multi-use trails throughout the metro area. Note that many routes shown on the map are planned but not yet actually built
- The Riverfront Heritage Trail in the heart of the metro area, connecting downtown KCMO, KCK, and North KC.
- Maps of trails in Jackson County (Missouri side, south of the river)
- KC Hiker's list of area trails
- KCMO's BikeKC page has information about current and planned on-street and trail routes, including the BikeKC plan (with maps showing existing & planned routes) and the TrailsKC Plan.
- Maps of trails and on-road bicycle facilities in Johnson County (Kansas side of the KC metro area)
- Smithville Lake single-track biking/hiking trails (Kansas City area).
- Platte County Trails & Greenways and Clay County Trails- both part of the Northland Trails Vision Plan
- Interactive map of St. Louis area multi-use trails (west of the state line) from Great Rivers Greenway, the regional trails and greenway district.
- Metro East Park & Recreation District Trail Map shows multi-use trails east of the state lineTrail overlooking the Missouri River
- St. Louis Trails overview, from MV24.org
- GORC (Gateway Off-Road Cyclists) has maps of a number of mountain biking trails systems in eastern Missouri
- Trails in the city of Valley Park
- All trails within the City of Wildwood, including state parks, county parks, city trails, and other trails
Central Missouri
- The City of Columbia has an extensive network of trails, including the MKT trail, which connects to the Katy Trail
- Rock Bridge Memorial State Park mountain biking trails, south of Columbia
- Finger Lakes State Park mountain biking/hiking trail, north of Columbia
- Ozark Greenways, Springfield, has a list of area trails, including trail maps--including eight greenway/multi-use trails totaling over 60 miles, the Sac River Mountain Bike Trail, and the James River Water Trail.
- Frisco Greenway Trail, Joplin
- Ruby Jack Trail, Carthage
Stockton area
Branson area
- Trail at Table Rock State Park, including the Chinquapin Trail (1.5 miles, hiking), Table Rock Lakeshore Trail (2.25 miles, hiking and mountain biking), and White River Valley Trail System (10 miles, hiking and mountain biking; PDF map - description)
- Overview of trails in the Branson area
- Branson City Parks & Rec - city trails info & maps
St. Joseph
Chillicothe/Trenton area
- Mountain bike & hiking trails at Crowder State Park
- Mountain bike & hiking trails at Poosey Conservation Area
Lake of the Ozarks area
South Central - Rolla, St. James
- St James Mountain Bike Trail - 5.1 miles
What great Missouri trails have we missed? Please list your favorite trails in the comments section below--if possible, include a web site with more information about the trail, and we will include your suggestions in future versions of this page.
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