
Support the Tour of Missouri official press release

Tour of Missouri official press release about the Support the Tour of Missouri effort:

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National Bike Summit 2010: Day 3, Congressional visits

The third day of the National Bike Summit is spent visiting congressional offices. The Missouri delegation visited the office of every Missouri member of Congress, holding many productive conversations with members of Congress and staff.

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First Lady addresses childhood obesity

First Lady Michelle Obama addressed the issue of childhood obesity in an address before the U.S. Conference of Mayors today.  According to the Baltimore Sun:

She said nearly one-third of U.S. children now are overweight or obese. She said one-third of today's children eventually will suffer from diabetes, and, in the African American and Latino communities, the proportion will be almost half.

Obesity, she said, "could now be an even greater threat to America's health than smoking." And if the nation stays on its current path, nearly 50 percent of all Americans will be obese in 10 years - "not just overweight, but obese."

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MoDOT press release: Missouri Selected to Participate in Safe Routes to School State Network

MoDOT sent out the following press release today:  

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Bicycle trips in U.S. up 25%

The League of American Bicyclist is reporting that bicycle trips are now 1% of all trips in the U.S.

That doesn't sound like a huge number, but the big story is that the percentage of bicycle trips is increasing--up 25% since 2001.

More details in the Bike League's summary here.

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Missouri selected for Safe Routes to School State Network Project

The Missouri Foundation for Bicycling and Walking is pleased to announce that the Safe Routes to School National Partnership selected Missouri to participate in the 2010 and 2011 phase of the State Network Project.  Nineteen states and the District of Columbia were chosen to participate in this project, which is being funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kaiser Permane

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Missouri selected for Safe Routes to School Network Project

We'd like to create the most effective State Network possible--you can help by forwarding this announcement to organizations, agencies, and public officials and inviting them to participate

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Walk to School Day: U.S. Secretary of Transportation's message

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood posted about Walk to School Day on his blog today:

Now, lots of kids all over the world walk to school every day; what makes today's trip to school such a special event?

  1. Today's big walk calls attention to safety issues that are so important. These kids need safe streets--roads in passable condition and drivers who are attentive to the kids' presence.
  2. The large turnout of kids walking instead of being driven by their parents means that the Walk to School takes cars off the street. From this, kids learn about responsible environmental stewardship.
  3. These kids are engaging in healthy physical activity.

Today's events are part of the Safe Routes to School program, funded by DOT's Federal Highway Administration. We need walking and bicycling to be safe transportation options for our kids. This means creating safe environments:

  • sidewalks or bicycle-paths that connect homes with schools
  • child-friendly opportunities to cross streets; and
  • slow vehicle speeds through roadway safety measures and law enforcement.

Of course, there is one thing we can all do easily: reduce our driving speeds. In communities with kids biking, walking, and scootering to and from school, there is no question that driving slower saves lives.

Today, our kids are showing us the more walkable, sustainable world we need. Let's hope we're all paying attention.

Walk to School Day Oct 7th and Walk to School Month is the entire month of October.

And what a difference it is to see the top dog of the nation's transportation system writing favorably about things like Walk to School Day!
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