Missouri High Priority Bike/Ped/ADA Projects

Waverly Pioneer Trail Sidewalk (02CHI1201)


City: Waverly, Missouri.    Route: US Route 24/Commercial Street    Location: From Old Highway 65 to Santa Fe Elementary School

Type: Shoulder, Sidewalk

A multi-generational sidewalk for Senior Citizens to travel on from housing to Bank, Postoffice, school, Memorial park and resturant by walking ,and motorized wheelchairs. Provide a safe route to school and recreational areas for 50 students. Provide a safe place for walkers and bicyclists of all ages. There are no sidewalks in Waverly that serve any part of this project.

It serves a wide age range of people with a safe area and encourages walking and access to recreational areas. It also serves walkers, bicyclists,pededstrians, motorized wheelchairs, ADA, and students. We have been indeed fortunate to have only one near tragic accident in the past two years.

none known

Need Potential Significance Cost Readiness Total
90 55 58 68 70 68.00



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