Missouri High Priority Bike/Ped/ADA Projects

HWY 78 to Bundschu Rd, Independence (04KCM1025)


City: Independence.    Route: HWY 7    Location: North for three Quarter mile form Lake City

Type: Shoulder, Bicycle Lane

Repair the North bound shoulder on 7 HWY from 78 HWY to Bundschu Rd.

This is part of a high traveled route for cyclists from Blue Srings and Independence to Buckner. The existing shoulder old, in bad repair and cyclists are forced to use the road surface. This is an uphill stretch and cycles become a problem for vehicles in a heavy traffic situation. This is the only stretch not bike friendly on a heavy use of both HWY and rural roads by large numbers of cyclists.

Prepairing to old surface before placing the new surface.

Need Potential Significance Cost Readiness Total
60 50 60 70 60 60.00




Top 8 Project
Top 100 Project

Facility Type(s):
·Bike Lane
