Missouri High Priority Bike/Ped/ADA Projects

Discovery Bridge Barrier-separated Bikeway, St Charles (06STL1019)


City: St. Charles.    Route: Interstate 370    Location: Bridge over Missouri River linking Hazelwood to St. Charles

Type: Shoulder, Bicycle Lane

The Discovery Bridge already has a bike lane, which is also used by pedestrians. But this bike lane is not separated from the fast-moving motored traffic on the bridge.

Dramatic speed differentials on the bridge make a strong case for segregating motorized and non-motorized traffic. "Jersey barriers" are the proposed solution. Jersey barriers would offer the added bonus of keeping most trash and debris out of the bridge bike lanes (which is a continual problem now).

These bike lanes do double duty as "shoulders" for distressed motorists.

Need Potential Significance Cost Readiness Total
90 79 100 90 80 87.80




Top 8 Project
Top 100 Project

Facility Type(s):
·Bike Lane
