Missouri High Priority Bike/Ped/ADA Projects

Mid-Metro 4 On street Bike Routes -Brentwood, Clayton, Maplewood, Richmond Heights (06STL1113)


City: Brentwood, Clayton, Maplewood, Richmond Heights .    Route: 1-64 Interchanges, Manchester Road, Clayton Road    Location: Within 1 mile of I-64 to allow alternative routes around I-64 congestion and volume

Type: Sidewalk, Bicycle Lane, Curb cuts/ramps, Intersection improvements, Crosswalks, Signs, Pedestrian bridge over I-64

Provide alternative bike and pedestrian routes away from major county arterial roads (Brentwood Blvd, Hanley Road, Big Bend Blvd., Clayton Road, Manchester Road) to connect and/or transverse the I-64 corridor and major high-volume interchanges using municipal side streets and greenways. To create and connect new and existing bike routes and paths to existing METRO (mass transit) stations, central business and shopping districts and residential areas. To connect new bike and pedestrian routes with exisiting facilities within the Great Rivers Greenway and Bike St Louis Bike/Ped systems.

Mid-Metro 4 Communities have worked with Trailnet, Bike St Louis, Great Rivers Greenway and community engagement meetings to research and identify proposed routes which would serve bike/ped needs of the greater St Louis Mid-County area and those transversing the area to access major business, retail, St Louis County seat (Clayton) and Downtown St Louis. There are 5 METRO stations within this project area in addition to the intersections of I-170 and I-64.

Great opportunity for regional planning, participation and cooperation.

Need Potential Significance Cost Readiness Total
78 85 85 45 40 66.60




Top 8 Project
Top 100 Project

Facility Type(s):
·Bike Lane
·Curb Ramp
