Governor promotes physical fitness and bicycling

In the weeks leading up to the Tour of Missouri, Governor Blunt is promoting physical fitness and health around the state. According to a press release:
With just weeks until the starting gun is fired at the inaugural Tour of Missouri, Gov. Matt Blunt is continuing to work toward making the Tour of Missouri not just a success for tourism and the state’s economy, but also a success in promoting the benefits of healthy lifestyles and safety for current and new cyclists.

“The more young Missourians we can get interested in and excited about fun, physical activity the better,” said Gov. Blunt. “Missouri offers great opportunities for both trail riding and street cycling and many other forms of physical activity. It is important for all of us to remember that our health is something that should not be taken for granted and that regular exercise and physical activity can improve our quality of life.” . . .

The Governor’s Advisory Council has teamed up with the Show-Me State Games to highlight their Shape Up Our Students program, a free, online weight loss competition for Missouri students.

With the professional cyclists on the road and hopefully even more cyclists out and about after the race, safety is a priority for the Tour of Missouri. Gov. Blunt encourages Missourians to learn more about cycling safety and bicycle laws. Publications on safe cycling are available for free from the Missouri Department of Transportation.

“With the popularity of cycling on the rise, I encourage all cyclists to actively promote cycling safety and awareness while they enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle,” Blunt said.

The Missouri Department of Transportation Bicycle/Pedestrian programhas information on cycling safety, information on cycling laws and cycling routes across the state to plan a fun and safe cycling trip of their own.

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