MoDOT Challenge to Missourians: Submit all roads that need SIDEWALKS

Know a Missouri road that needs a sidewalk?  Know twenty of them?  

Submit them here--deadline is June 30th: 

The sidewalk ends . . . unexpectedly
The sidewalk ends . . . unexpectedly

Remember our recent meeting with MoDOT Director Dave Nichols, where he challenged us to submit ALL the roads in Missouri that need shoulders?

Well, MoDOT is challenging us to submit ALL bicycle and pedestrian needs of ALL kinds across the ENTIRE state--including all roads that need sidewalks:

  • Major roads that lack sidewalks and/or crosswalks
  • Even neighborhood roads that need sidewalks
  • How about sidewalks that are old, overgrown, or need maintenance or replacement?
    • Be aware that if you report needed sidewalk repairs, in some cities, such as Kansas City, Missouri, the city is required to do maintenance work to repair the sidewalk whenever a problem is reported. However, the city will then bill the adjacent homeowner for entire cost of the sidewalk repair bill.  So please use discretion when reporting specific sidewalk repair issues in neighborhoods where this may cause financial difficulties for homeowners.
    • The purpose of reporting sidewalk maintenance needs to MoDOT is more so that they can get an overview of all transportation needs in Missouri, including MODOT and non-MoDOT roads, and including sidewalks as well as roads.  

      So for the purpose of this report, when reporting neighborhood sidewalk problems, you may wish to report generalized conditions rather than specific.  For example:

      Many sidewalks in my neighborhood (Blue Hills neighborhood of Jackson Springs) are cracked, crumbling, and in need of repair.
  • How about intersections that need crosswalks or pedestrian signals?

Submit them ALL!

Thanks MUCH for your many shoulder suggestions--we've received over 200.  Keep them coming, along with the sidewalk suggestions!

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