Which Missouri county has the highest pedestrian fatality rate? The answer may surprise you . . .
On the map, click on each county for a summary of county data, including total pedestrian fatalities, the percentage of traffic fatalities that are pedestrians, the percentage of pedestrian fatalities occuring on different types of streets, and othe information.
The map summarizes pedestrian deaths per 100,000 population, 2008-2012. Green-colored counties have the lowest pedestrian fatality rate per 100,000 and red-colored counties have the highest rates.
Click here for full-page view of the map.
Data is from Smart Growth America's Dangerous By Design (2014).
How can we reduce or even eliminate these pedestrian fatalities?
The Vision Zero approach to eliminate all traffic fatalities is the most promising approach to this difficult problem worldwide. Vision Zero uses and evidence-based and systems-based approach to change the road environment in a way that makes it far safer for all road users, dramatically reducing traffic injuries and deaths.
The techniques in Vision Zero are most appropriate for use in cities and towns--but if you click the map above to see where pedestrian fatalities are occuring in Missouri, most are happening on roads with a 30-40 MPH speed limit. Next most common are "arterial" roads.
In short, most pedestrian fatalities are happening on the roads within our cities that carry faster traffic--but not necessarily on the highways and freeways with the fastest and highest amount of motor vehicle traffic.
And that means that we can address this serioius problem by taking strong, proven steps recommended by Vision Zero to reduce injuries and deaths on roads within our cities and towns. The techniques work on all cities and downs, from large urban cities to suburbs to small rural towns.
Working to improve roadway safety for all users--including those of us who walk and bicycle--is one of the primary goals of our Vision for Bicycling and Walking in Missouri.
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