A Right to the Road: Understanding & Addressing Bicyclist Safety | Governor's Highway Safety Association
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MoBikeFed comment: It is heartening to see this issue receiving high-level attention from the Governor's Highway Safety.As traffic fatalities are up across the board, bicyclist deaths rose 12.2% in 2015, the largest percentage increase of any other roadway user group that year. To address this troubling trend, GHSA and State FarmĀ® have partnered on a new report, A Right to the Road: Understanding & Addressing Bicyclist Safety.
This publication analyzes national data to understand fatal bicyclist-motor vehicle crash characteristics, offering 30 actions steps to help State Highway Safety Offices and local communities assess and improve their current bicyclist safety programs.
Chief among these recommendations are collecting better crash data, increasing training for law enforcement to understand laws designed to protect bicyclists, partnering with bicycling and community organizations to amplify safety messaging, and coupling infrastructure improvements with public education campaigns.
This comprehensive report was authored by traffic safety expert Pam Fischer, with data analysis performed by Richard Retting of Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultants.
You can download the full report at http://www.ghsa.org/resources/bicyclist-safety2017
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