Present a Session at the 2024 Missouri Active Transportation Summit

The 2024 Missouri Active Transportation Summit is Friday, August 23rd, 2024 at the Isle of Capri Casino Hotel in Boonville! 

Would you like to tell the story of your bicycle, pedestrian, active transportation, active tourism, outdoor recreation, or trails program, project, or success? Or present on any topic related to bicycling, walking, trails, or active transportation/active tourism in Missouri?

Submit your session idea or proposal below! 

Looking for suggestions and ideas for your session - read here. In short:

  • You're welcome to cover a brief topic for 5 minutes, a full session at 45-50 minutes, or anything in between
  • We welcome any topic related to trails, bicycling, walking, active transportation, active tourism, and related areas  

Note that all sessions will be presented in person at the Isle of Capri Casino Hotel Event Conference Center in Boonville.

Contact - 816-695-6736 with any questions.

Your Contact Information
Information for the primary presenter/primary contact for your presentation.
Preferably the phone you will have with you the day of the Expo.
What is the proposed title of your session?
Tell us about your session--what is the topic, what will you talk about, why is it important, how will you engage your audience?
Tell a little bit about yourself (primary presenter/contact for this presentation), who you work for or represent, and what you interest and expertise in bicycle, pedestrian, and trails issue is. This may be used as the basis for your bio in the program.
Please list name, affiliation (if applicable), email contact info (if possible), and bio information for any co-presenters besides the primary presenter/contact for your presentation.
Preferred amount of time for your presentation, EXCLUDING Q&A. Sessions run 40-50 minutes; we may combine two or more presentations into one session if possible, so submitting proposals designed for shorter time periods is encouraged.
Depending on the number of quality presentation proposals, we may ask presenters to condense their presentations so that we can combine two or more into a single session. What is the minimum amount of time you need to cover your most important points?

Join MoBikeFed's Advocacy Network

MoBikeFed is a statewide group of people like you, working together for better bicycling, walking, and trails in Missouri. When you join our advocacy network you receive occasional important advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian, and trails news from around Missouri.

Working together we make a real difference! Join our advocacy network: