AdventureMax Off-Road Team Triathlon

03/04/2012 - 10:00am

The AdventureMax Off-Road Team Triathlon is certainly triathlon with a twist. You will race as a two-person team (Male, Female, or Coed). This race is all about teamwork, so your team will be required to start, race, and finish together. The race will include 2-4 miles of canoeing, 12-18 miles of mountain biking (off-road and gravel road), and 3-5 miles of running. You will be given maps the day prior to the event. There will be no orienteering sections on the course. You will need to be able to perform VERY BASIC map navigation to complete the race. It will not be complicated. The Team Triathlon will have passports and will collect control points along the way on each leg of the race.

Event Classification: 2-Person Off-Road Team Triathlon

Event Distances: Canoe (2-4 Miles) - Mountain Bike (12-18 Miles) - Off-Road Run (3-5 Miles)

2-Person Team Entry Fee Schedule:

2-Person Team Early Entry Discount until 1/15/2012 = $165
• 2-Person Team Entry Prior to 2/20 = $175
• 2-Person Team Entry Prior to Race Day = $195
• 2-Person Team Entry Race Day = $210

Email Address:
Event Details
Event Type: 
Race - Triathlon
Event details
Distance Options: 
Canoe (2-4 Miles) - Mountain Bike (12-18 Miles) - Off-Road Run (3-5 Miles)
Entry Fee: 
Charity Event: 
SAG Service?: 
SAG Service

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