Bike racks in downtown St. Louis?

MoBikeFed Board member Bob Foster posed this question to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's "Ride Guys":

Q. I was just in Chicago where the city has installed more than 10,000 bike racks for business owners. Why doesn't St. Louis city or county have a program like that?
The "Ride Guys" didn't have much of an answer to this, except, "The Ride Guys wanted to see if there were any bike racks [downtown]. So we hopped in the car to take a look. We found none."

What a surprise.

In fact, the St. Louis Bicycle Federation has a number of bike racks ready to install in St. Louis and the funding to do it. But St. Louis City can barely put forth the effort to shuffle the paperwork to let it happen.

Yes, Virginia, there is a reason one city the "Second City" and another is the, uh, "49th City".

Read the rest of the Ride Guys' answer on STLToday.

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