Springfield Advocacy Committee meets

Bicycle advocates recently had a very productive meeting in Springfield.

Bruce Adib-Yazdi (President of Ozark Greenways, member at large for MoBikeFed, and long-time Springfield bicycle advocate) reports on some of the highlights:

1 Bicycle Advocacy still LIVES here in Springfield. The group of 11 people that showed up this evening was very diverse, and very passionate.

2 The Draft Bicycle Policy for City of Springfield was discussed it will
take a next step through the Traffic Advisory Board and on up the chain for
ultimate approval by City Council possibly before May.

3 A possible project was discussed where we would generate our own version
of Biketown

4 We discussed League Cycling Instructors and the need for more than two.

5 Bike Month

6 We will re-apply for Bike Friendly Community status in Spring 2008.

Dan Chiles was at the meeting and he is running for city council at Large member. We HAVE to get him elected. He ll be taking Bob Jones seat, and he is one of our biggest advocates for cycling on city council.

Next meeting: Thursday February 15th.

Contact Bruce Adib Yazdi if you'd like to attend. His email is badib-yazdi [at] swbell [dot] net.

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