28 JAN 2009: Should MoDOT's future funding include bike/ped?

A group called the Missouri Transportation Alliance is currently taking public feedback as they start to create a plan to deal with MoDOT's current massive funding shortfall.

This is the same basic group who wrote and passed Amendment 3 in 2004.

Now they need to know--is there support in Missouri for including bicycling & walking in future MoDOT funding?

This one initiative will have more affect on the future direction of MoDOT than all others we are currently working on, put together. So please do take a moment to make a response!

Simple one- or two-sentence responses are fine. We need many brief responses from many different Missourians. Sample responses:
You can enter your response below or visit the Missouri Transportation Alliance response page directly.

Note--Directly above this sentence you should see a form with "Missouri Transportation Alliance" and "Get Involved" in green letters. If you don't see that above, please click here to go to the feedback form directly.

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