St Robert Pedestrian Bridge ribbon cutting - News - The Daily Guide - Waynesville, MO - St. Robert, MO

Headlines are quick hits from media outlets from Missouri and around the world. Follow the headline link for the full story. The source of this headline says:

The City of St. Robert hosted a ribbon cutting to mark the occasion of the completion I-44 Pedestrian Bridge and Lighting Project on April 17, 2015. . . .

A ceremony was held prior to the ribbon cutting with Mayor Sanders addressing the crowd with these words; " . . . Today marks the culmination of an idea that began about 10 years ago. An idea about our citizens and service men and women having a safe avenue to cross the interstate in order to utilize the commercial businesses on the north side of town. The construction of this bridge just makes good common sense. There have been several injuries received by people attempting to cross the median and one has been fatal. The bridge just makes common sense! This bridge is all about saving lives."


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