Join us for the VIRTUAL Missouri Active Transportation Summit - August 14th, 2020 - Early Bird Registration thru Friday

2017 Missouri Active Transportation Summit - Aug 11th in Jefferson City

Bicycling, walking, and trails mean business in Missouri 

Friday, August 14th, 2020, 9:00am-5:00pm

An online, virtual Summit for 2020!  Join from anywhere in Missouri or the world via telephone, smart phone, or computer

Presented by

The Association of Bicycle & Pedestrian Professionals, Missouri Chapter
Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation
Missouri Livable Streets
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services


Registration is now open.  Click here to register now!


See the full 2020 Summit page here

2020 Summit Sessions

The 2020 Summit is our first ever Virtual Summit. Dial in our join via smart phone, device, or computer from anywhere in Missouri or the World.  We'll have sessions starting on the hour all day long--you can join one or all for one low registration rate.

We'll record all sessions so that registered attendees can view or review them later.

  • 9am Keynote: Chuck Flink, "The Greenway Imperative". Chuck is an award-winning author, planner, and landscape architect - "inspiring examples of communities that have come together to build permanent spaces for the life-sustaining power of nature."
  • Jerany Jackson, Great River Engineering, "Building Johnson County's Spirit Trail - A Courageous Team Effort"
  • Shaun Tooley, MoDOT, "MoDOT's Practice of Active Transportation, Past and Future"
  • Paul Wojciechowski, Alta Planning & Design, "Getting Livable Streets Done"
  • Brent Hugh, Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation, "Art, Culture, History, Tourism, Economic Development, and Bicycling: Implementing an Ambitious Statewide Bicycle Touring Route System in Missouri--With YOUR Help"



Registration now open!



Summit Supporters


Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Missouri Chapter

Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals - Missouri Chapter


Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Missouri Department of
Health & Senior Services 

Missouri Livable Streets

Missouri Livable Streets

Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation MORIT

Alta Planning + Design



 Presented by: The Association of Bicycle & Pedestrian Professionals, Missouri Chapter - Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation - Missouri Livable Streets - Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services 


See the full 2020 Summit Page here


Registration is now open.  Click here to register now!


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MoBikeFed is a statewide group of people like you, working together for better bicycling, walking, and trails in Missouri. When you join our advocacy network you receive occasional important advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian, and trails news from around Missouri.

Working together we make a real difference! Join our advocacy network: