Bicycle Education

Upcoming Bike Ed Classes in Missouri

Find Upcoming Bike Ed Classes, League Certified Instructors, and Other Organized Bicycle Classes

MoBikeFed supports Bicycle Education

Taking one of the League of American Bicyclists BikeEd courses is a fun way to improve your bicycling skills and safety. Even experienced bicyclists learn a lot by taking the course.

Many MoBikeFed members and board members have taken the Road I course. Four MoBikeFed board members and about 16 MoBikeFed members are currently certified League Cycling Instructors.

MoBikeFed believes that bicyclist education is one of the best ways to improve bicyclist safety and strongly recommends the Bike Ed courses to all bicyclists.

Why take a Bike Ed class?

You might think that Bike Ed classes would be good for bicyclists who are just starting out or getting back into riding (and they are!), but experienced bicyclists may gain even more benefits from a Bike Ed class.

One very experienced cyclist wrote this after taking the Bike Ed class:

I found that after taking Road I, I experienced far fewer conflicts on the roads.

After riding for years I decided to sit in on the course and learned that I a) rode too close to parked cars b) did not move left enough at intersections to avoid right hooks, or close calls c) was uncomfortable about my maneuvers to get into the position to make left hand turns d) did not operate my brakes efficiently.

All of these things were subtle, but once I began to practice my newly learned skills, the negative experiences dissipated greatly.


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MoBikeFed is a statewide group of people like you, working together for better bicycling, walking, and trails in Missouri. When you join our advocacy network you receive occasional important advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian, and trails news from around Missouri.

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