Report Card '08: MoBikeFed releases Missouri Walking and Bicycling Report Card 2008

MoBikeFed's Vision of Active Transportation in Missouri
The Missouri Bicycle Federation has released the first annual "Bicycling and Walking in Missouri--A Report Card":

The Report Card is based on MoBikeFed's Vision of Active Transportation in Missouri, which outlines a series of concrete, measurable steps that can be taken to improve the environment for walking and bicycling in Missouri.

The 23-page Report Card details the situation and gives a grade in over 40 specific subject areas tracked by MoBikeFed.

"The overall grade for Missouri's walking and bicycling environment for 2007 was a D," says Missouri Bicycle Federation Executive Director Brent Hugh. "We are quite frankly behind most other states in accommodating for safe walking and bicycling. With gas prices near $3.50 a gallon and rising, it's hitting us right in the pocketbook."

The good news: People are working hard all across Missouri to turn this situation around, with some real, tangible, positive results this year.

And the very fact that Missouri has ignored bicycling and walking for so long presents an opportunity: Even simple, basic changes will create very noticeable improvement and a rapid increase in the amount and safety of walking and bicycling in Missouri.

Now is the time to take these steps.


What's next?

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