Tour of Missouri rolls on: Fights off challenges; bipartisan support; fully funded in House budget passed today

Support the Tour of Missouri
Support the Tour of Missouri
Funding for the 2010 Tour of Missouri survived a set of challenges in the Missouri House this week with strong bipartisan support. 

Full Tour of Missouri funding has been included in the budget passed by the Missouri House and now sent to the Senate for its consideration.

Thanks to the many of you who have written or called your Missouri representative in support of the Tour--your work has really paid off. 

Now please take the time to contact members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and your own Missouri Senator.

An AP article picked up by many Missouri newspapers summarizes:

The House trimmed more than $200 million from the proposed budget for next year before giving it preliminary approval Wednesday.  . . .
Missouri faces a budget deficit of at least $200 million for the spending plan that takes effect July 1. That could climb to as high as $500 million depending on whether Missouri receives and uses additional federal stimulus money. . . . 

Legislators rejected amendments to eliminate more than $8 million for Amtrak passenger train service, blocked an attempt to raid funding for mass transit in Kansas City and overwhelmingly turned down the elimination of funding for tourism efforts. They also rebuffed numerous Democratic amendments designed to crack into a tourism fund that includes money for the Tour of Missouri bicycle race.


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