Take MoBikeFed's member/supporter survey--and earn a chance to win great prizes!

We'd like your feedback--and we'll use it to set the direction for the Missouri Bicycle & Pedestrian Federation over the next years.

What are we doing well?  What could we do better?  What are we doing that you like?  What would you like us to do?

Rural Missouri Magazine bicycling jersey
Rural Missouri Magazine bicycling jersey
Cooper's Oak Winery
Cooper's Oak Winery

All those questions are more are on our member & supporter survey, which should take you 6-8 minutes to complete.

And best of all--everyone who completes the survey will be entered in a drawing.

FOUR lucky winners, drawn from those who complete the survey, will receive their choice of:

  • Your choice of Missouri wines from Cooper's Oak Winery
  • A Rural Missouri Magazine bicycle jersey

Complete the member and supporter survey here.

Join MoBikeFed's Advocacy Network

MoBikeFed is a statewide group of people like you, working together for better bicycling, walking, and trails in Missouri. When you join our advocacy network you receive occasional important advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian, and trails news from around Missouri.

Working together we make a real difference! Join our advocacy network:

Want better bicycling and walking in Missouri?
We rely on the support of members like you.  Please join, renew, or donate today.