Safer People, Safer Streets: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Initiative | Department of Transportation

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U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx Fox has launched the Department’s Safer People, Safer Streets Initiative. Over the course of the next year and a half, the Department will be doing more to address non-motorized safety issues and help communities create safer, better connected bicycling and walking networks. We will be rolling out a variety of new resources, issuing new research, and highlighting existing tools for a range of transportation professionals. We will engage safety experts, existing and new stakeholders, local officials, and the public on a range of targeted strategies to help us get these materials into use and encourage safety in and around our streets, including bus stops, transit stations, and other multi-modal connections.

As part of the Safer People, Safer Streets Initiative the Department's field offices are convening transportation agencies to conduct road safety assessments in every state, launching a Mayors' Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets, and working with University Transportation Centers (UTCs) and other stakeholders to identify and remove barriers to improving non-motorized safety.


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