Missouri General Election Tues, Nov 6th: Election Results, Voter guide - Find your polling place, ballots, candidates, issues


Missouri's general elections are being held across the state on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012. 

"I bicycle/I walk/I run and I vote" is one of the most powerful statement we can make to any elected leader, in our work to make Missouri a better, safer place to walk and bicycle. 

I bicycle and I vote!
I bicycle and I vote!

So whatever your party, whoever your candidates, whatever your issues, please get out and VOTE on Tuesday, November 6th. 

MoBikeFed Voter Guide for the November 7th, 2012, General Election

Finding your polling place and sample ballot

Information about candidates

November 2012 Statewide Ballot Issues

Amendment 3State judiciaryGrants Governor the power to appoint four members to the Appellate Judicial Commission 
Proposition ALaw enforcementRequires that all municipal police forces or departments be controlled by the local governing body. 
Proposition BTobaccoImposes an additional $1 tax on each package of twenty cigarettes. 
Proposition EHealth careProhibits creation of a health insurance exchange unless created by legislature or initiative. 
The officially approved ballot language for all four November ballot issues is here.

November 2012 Local Ballot Issues

In Missouri, 63 local ballot issues in 25 counties will be up for a vote November 7th.  Issues affect areas ranging from neighborhoods to cities to multiple counties.

Common issues include bonding, judge retirement age, creation or continuation of various taxes, and creation of local use taxes (like sales tax but applied to internet and other out-of-area purchases).

See the full list of local ballot issues, including area affected and ballot language, here.

Key Statewide Races

(I) = indicates current incumbent in that office.

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name.


How to find your candidate's names, your US Rep, State Rep, and State Senate District numbers

BEWARE that many/most district numbers have changed this year in Missouri, thanks to the new census data and re-districting. Your state representative district number is almost certainly changed, and many state senate districts and US representative districts have changes boundaries, too--sometimes by a little and sometimes by a lot. Here is how to find your updated info:

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