MoBikeFed releases new maps showing Missouri highway shoulders

Missouri Bicyclists,

The Missouri Bicycle Federation, in cooperation with MoDOT Bike/Ped Coordinator Caryn Giarratano, has released a new set of maps showing shoulders on Missouri highways.

These maps should be very useful for planning the more rural segments of any bicycle trip or route, and particularly for planning cross-state bicycle trips.

Last year, MOBikeFed released a previous set of shoulder maps and solicited bicyclist feedback on them. Thanks to your responses, the new shoulder maps should be far more accurate. Every bicyclist comment about the previous shoulder maps was carefully checked out and, in addition, routes were doubled checked to improve the quality of the underlying data.

The new maps show more detail, too, indicating width of shoulders in feet, showing roads that have shoulders on one side only, and indicating paved or unpaved condition.

Although we feel the new maps are far, far more accurate than the old, at this time we are officially releasing the maps for comment and feedback only. Please do take the time to look over the roads you know and let us know whether the map is accurate or not.

You can make comments about the map here.

Please keep in mind that your membership in MoBikeFed helps make projects like the Missouri Shoulder Map possible.

No one but MoBikeFed is working at the statewide level to protect--and expand!--bicyclist and pedestrian rights and funding.

Click here to find out more about joining MoBikeFed.


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